Judy Travis


Years Of Content




Youtube Videos




As a mother of 4 girls, their lives are anything but boring. She shares a peek into their daily adventures on her ItsJudysLife channel. She spends most of her days now adding content on ItsJudysLife.


The Channel for all things makeup, fashion, and hair. From "First Impressions" for new beauty products, to the latest makeup and hair looks. She shares her love for all things beauty on ItsJudyTime.


She talks all things mommy related on this channel. Sharing her experiences, advice, tips, and any mommy related hauls. You can find find fun stories, cute videos, and awesome tips on ItsMommysLife.

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Her Newest Project

As a daily vlogger and content creator, Judy spends most of her time at home. Because of it, it's important she creates a home environment that makes her feel comfortable. JMK was founded on this idea.

Having 4 girls, Judy understands what it's like to feel overwhelmed with endless things to do. JMK was built as a means to encourage women to take time for themselves despite that, and to be okay to treat themselves.

What started as a loungewear line is growing to offer more and more products that make you feel good in your home.

Visit The JMK

Charitable Work

Judy and her family have raised over $1m to charitable organizations. They run an annual charity called Dancember where they raise funds for impoverished children around the world.  Having four children of their own, it breaks their hearts to see what some of these kids go through, which is why they started their chairty Dancember.

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